Sacramento Market Update 5.10.2023

by Paul Peletta

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I feel like a broken record at this point.  So, I am going to be providing more images in this edition so we can visually see what I've been discussing and how it may differ by zip code, but the theme remains the same.  The inventory (supply) compression is real.  It has created renewed strong seller's markets across the board, and yet, sellers remain firm in their position.  I don't blame them, I am one of them.  The other side of the tale is buyer demand.  One of the sources I follow from Altos Research, Mike Simonsen, uses a great word to describe it...sufficient.  Buyer demand is sufficient enough at these housing prices and these higher mortgage rates to keep sales moving along.  This is what is keeping home prices sustained, and in some cases increasing!

If you'd like me to take a look at your zip code, reply to this email and I'd be happy to take a look.

I'll be giving away a $100 gift card soon, so stay tuned!

What are you seeing or hearing? I'd love to know
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